At mile 30 of the 2006 Vermont 50 - my first grueling trail ultra.
Photo by Jonna Gilbert-Wahle
I Was Never a Runner
I never ran track or cross-country. I played field hockey, basketball, and softball in high school. In college, I didn’t play any sport but began running to mend a broken heart and to reduce stress. I ran my first road race — a 5K — when my daughter was fourteen months old. I ran my first half-marathon when my son was six months old. When he was two, I ran my first marathon. Five
half-marathons and nine marathons later, I completed my first ultramarathon - the JFK 50 - in 2005.
In the past twenty years I have logged thousands of training miles and have completed 32 ultramarathons consisting of 50 milers, 100 milers, 24-hour events, 48-hr events, and multi-day ultras. I'm currently training for the 2025 Endless Endurance Old Six Day 72-hr track ultra.
Who Are These Superhumans?
As a young girl, I loved watching marathons on TV. The marathon was one of my favorite Olympic sports. I was in complete awe of the male runners who ran 26.2 miles. The female marathoners at the 1984 Olympics amazed me. Who were these superhumans? I could not fathom how anyone could run 26.2 miles. However, I have learned that it is not that hard. You can run a marathon! If you can do that, you can run an ultramarathon!
Tips for Running Your First Ultramarathon
1. Start With the Half-marathon
Run a few half-marathons (13.1 miles) first then work your running feet up to a few marathons. This will help to build endurance. I learned I was ready for a marathon when I still had energy after crossing the finish line of half-marathons. At the end of marathons, I felt I could run some more. This led me to train for my first 50-mile ultra.
Time on your feet and building endurance is key to crossing the finish line of your first 50-mile ultra.
2. Read and Watch
Read about ultrarunning in ultrarunning magazines, books, blogs, and articles on the Internet. There are plenty of ultrarunning memoirs by elite and ordinary ultrarunners to choose and learn from. They are full of great tips and inspirational stories.
Watch ultrarunning documentary films and YouTube videos. Here you'll find some great books written by elite and ordinary ultrarunners to inspire you.
Join ultrarunning groups on Facebook.
3. Follow a Training Plan
A training plan is key. There are many online to get you excited about logging training miles for your first 50-mile ultra. Use it as a guide. I record my time, pace, and distance in paper calendars and save them. They remind me of the hard but rewarding work that is required to run ultras. A training plan will also teach you the importance of discipline. Running watches like Garmin will track your pace, time, distance, and other stats.
4. Be Disciplined
You have to put in the training miles. Training for any distance requires discipline and focus. You can run in the morning, afternoon, or evening. When I first started training, I logged my miles in the evenings after work, on weekdays, and my long training miles on weekends from morning to however long it took me to complete the distance. Sometimes you might feel too tired to run. Shake it off and lace those running shoes. You will be glad you did! But don't forget to include rest days in your training. Your body needs to recover.
5. Slow and Steady Finishes the Race
Begin your training run with 3 minutes of brisk walking, followed by 15 minutes of running at your pace. Repeat throughout the distance.

Some of my running shoes that have been put to rest.
6. Wear and Carry Appropriate Gear
Get fitted for the right running shoe. Do you have high arches? Do you have flat feet? A good running shoe store will recommend the right shoe for you. Wear light clothing to keep you cool on hot days and layers to keep you warm on cold days. Wear a running hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. Always carry your phone.
7. Stay Hydrated and Replenish Calories
Carry a hydration bottle filled with water and electrolytes. Pack a banana, some nuts, and a salty snack in your running pouch. Have money to replenish liquids and calories at the nearest convenience store on your training route.
8. Train in All Weather and Terrain
Ultras take place in all kinds of weather and terrain. I have run ultras in temperatures as low as 23°F and as high as 101°F in 100% humidity, as well as in torrential rain, thunder and lightning, and gale force winds up to 40 mph, and alongside beautiful rainbows and sunrises. I have been pelted by hale and forced by heavy winds to run sideways. Train on different terrain such as flat roads, trails, and hills.
9. Prep Your Mind and Body
I still have no idea how I completed my first ultra. But going in well-prepared and keeping my mind focused helped. I meditated and prayed as I run. Sometimes I listened to music.
Completing every mile took me closer to the finish line and that always keeps me going. An exhausted but focused mind will guide your weary and beaten body. Body chafing and blisters are very common. To minimize toe and feet blisters, and chafing on the area underneath my sport bra, I apply both petroleum jelly and zinc oxide before every long training run and on race day. Apply on all body parts that will chafe. Losing toenails, especially after any ultra event, is not uncommon. I have lost all of my toenails many times. The good news is that they grow back but very slowly!
10. Include Family and Friends in Your Training
Ultrarunning is a solitary sport. I would not be able to train and cross the finish line without the patient love and unconditional support of my children and my husband. He keeps me company on my long training runs riding his bike, or riding my ElliptiGo. He runs with me on short training runs. Invite a friend or family member to do the same. It’s great training for them, too. They will be ready to be pacers and to crew at your first 50-mile ultra. And on race day you will tackle your first 50 miler with supportive veteran runners and newbies.
You Can Run An Ultramarathon!
Go ahead, lace up your running shoes and start training for your first 50-mile ultra. Be patient, disciplined, and stay focused. Be smart. Be don't run your first 50-mile ultra on a whim. Be prepared. Don't rush your training. Be patient. You too can be a superhuman!
I am the author of Come What May, I Want to Run: A Memoir of the Saving Grace of Ultrarunning in Overwhelming Times. Read excerpts, praise, and reviews, and order the book here from the publisher, Amazon, Bookshop, or Barnes & Noble.
